Description of the project's outline and work break down structure
І. Scientific tasks The scientific hypothesis proposed as Project objective involves the solution of the following basic tasks:
- To develop a model of Hall effect based on the magnetically controlled surface current depending on the structural specifics of semiconductors, and silicon, in particular. (Silicon is chosen as one of the best studied semiconductors, with well-known developed technology). To clarify the effect of the shielding Debye length on the near-surface conductance zone of the magnetically controlled current.
- To accomplish test semiconductor (silicon) structures for the conduct of experimental investigations, according to the developed theoretical model of the magnetically controlled surface current in solid-state semiconductor structures.
- To formulate and prove the sequence of actions and operations, which will set the pattern for the new non-destructive method of surface investigation.
- To study experimentally the new method under cryogenic temperatures for the purpose of clarifying the role of extreme conditions in its performance and universal applicability.
ІІ. Types of activities The first stage includes the activities related with the implementation of Task No. 1 and Task No. 2. A. Activities:
- Modelling of the galvanomagnetic processes in semiconductor structures by the conformal mapping method and kinetic transport of the carriers in 2-D format. Deriving of the equation for the magnetically controlled surface current under boundary conditions determined by the most frequently used silicon structures (with orthogonal and in-plane magnetic field activation).
- Determination in the equation for the magnetically controlled surface current of the role of the geometric size, the modes of operation – constant current mode and constant voltage mode, and the value of the magnetic induction on the magnetically controlled current.
- New interpretation of Hall effect as a result of the generation of magnetically controlled surface current by the Lorentz force.
- Design and implementation of test silicon samples for experimental investigation of the magnetically controlled surface current based on silicon IC technology and discrete implementation, whereat the measurement electrodes are point-probes made of non-magnetic-metal –bronze, for example.
- Design and implementation of the measurement circuit by which the magnetically controlled current will be studied. Automation of the measurement process will be done.
- Assessment of the impact of the different ambient factors and above all, the temperature on the magnetically controlled surface current.
The second stage includes the activities related with the implementation of Task No. 3 and Task No. 4.
B. Activities
- Design, fabrication and implementation of the device accomplishing equivalently the sequence of activity, underlying the new non-destructive method. Determination of operations sequence providing the method.
- Developing a database from the studied magnetically controlled surface current in different silicon structures under different impacts and different surface composition.
- Selection of the equipment and instrumentation by which the new method will be experimented and operated in microelectronic industry.
- Experimental investigation of the operation of the new method under cryogenic temperatures of up to ? = 77 ? (the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen) Influence of the extreme conditions on the method applicability.