9. Dissemination of the results
9.1. Dissemination of results in schools and universities.
- Working together with students from the NCTS under the CTC - Pravetz
- Development of diploma theses from students of Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski"
- Development of diploma theses from students of TU - Sofia
9.2. Participation in conferences and events
Additive Days in Sofia, 03 - 06.10.2018, Sofia Tech Park, Theme of the report: Modeling robots with 3D printer, Exported the report: Ivan Chavdarov, link to the conference
26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2018) Split, Croatia, 13-15 September 2018, Theme of the report: Development and Applications of a 3D Printed Walking Robot - Big-Foot, Make a report: Ivan Chavdarov, http://softcom2018.fesb.unist.hr
International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2018, Kavala, Greece, Theme of the report: Innovative Technologies and Materials in Robotics, Make a report: Trifonov R, link to the conference
9.3. Presentation of media results, lectures and other public appearances.
BTV, The News - New exhibition with 3D-printed objects - https://btvnovinite.bg/bulgaria/nova-izlozhba-s-3d-printirani-obekti.html
BTV, transmission 120 minutes - Feeding robot and robotic hand - BAS work to help people - https://btvnovinite.bg/predavania/120-minuti/krachesht-robot-i-robotizirana-raka-razrabotki-na-ban-v-pomosht-na-horata.html
BNR, Radio Bulgaria, Interview - Robotic Humanoid Hand with Technology of the Future - http://bnr.bg/radiobulgaria/post/100917909/doc-ivan-chavdarov-sazdava-robotizirana-humanoidna-raka-s-tehnologia-ot-badeshteto
The human beat and the robots: Will they turn against us? How and where to use modern technologies - comments Prof. Ivan Chavdarov and Assoc. Prof. Alexander Krastev - https://www.bgonair.bg/sutreshen-blok/2018-12-10/choveshkiyat-bit-i-robotite-shte-se-obarnat-li-sreshtu-nas
9.4. Articles
Published articles on the project.
9.5. Video Films for Conversion of Developments
Youtube video channel: