About the project: Goals

RONNI aims the promotion of application of Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (R&ICT) in education in order to overcome learning difficulties and raise the educational level of the young generation of the citizens. New innovative teaching strategies and methodologies transferable across the region will be proposed to support effective learning.

The innovative teaching strategies and methodologies, transferable across the regions will be proposed to support effective learning, including robot NAO, educational robots, flying robots, etc. By creating game-like learning environments children in standard and special schools will reveal their creativity and potential.

Our consortium consists of long-term partnerships on existing projects which guarantees the continuation of this work on social robotics, educational technologies, special education scenario, etc. The new teaching methods based on the R&ICT will support newly established networks of innovative schools. Innovative education is permanent need of our society which guarantees the sustainable project development. The outputs and deliverables of RONNI project activities will be used in preparation of future strategic project.